Walk Challenge Ideas (for Home Office too)

Admin • 2021.10.07

Organize a walking competition at work will help you accomplish multiple goals:

  • maintaining a healthier work environment
  • reducing employee turnover
  • making bonds between team members
  • having a better employer brand
  • and therefore, saving money in the end.

Planning a strategy for providing a corporate health and wellness plan for your colleagues is recommended (and expected) in the 21st century. People will choose companies with corporate wellness programs.

Organizing office fitness challenges (such as walk challenge) are not enough to maintain a healthy work environment. But walk challenges can be a big help to empower employees in adopting healthy habits.

The importance of wellness activities

Employees with good physical and mental health are more productive – and these two are come together considering a workplace wellness program. The goal is 

employee wellness

What is a step challenge?

Step challenge is a gamified physical activity designed to bring colleagues together. They can do a challenge as a team or compete individually against each other.

There are numerous advantages to organize a step challenge:

  • Organizing is easy
  • Can be fully digitalized, so it’s measured easily
  • Everyone can participate
  • Brings competition and encourage teamwork at the same time
  • Cost-effective

All you need is a smartphone or a pedometer to count the number of steps, and then, you can start!

3 motivating walk challenge ideas

We have some ideas to encourage employees to join the competition. Of course, you can think outside the box too.

Give it a theme, make it a game

Gamification is very important. With gamified apps, you can enjoy the healthy competition between your colleagues. Giving the challenge a theme (such as reaching the Moon) can increase participation and motivation. 

People love stories, so use some storytelling features, thus make your employees more engaging.

Reward your employees

Use wellness incentives to reach behavior change among your colleagues, that can strengthen employee engagement in your company.

If someone reaches 10.000 steps per day for a whole month, that employee is definitely worthy of some reward.


  • participation-based 
  • progress-based 
  • outcome-based 

incentives, depending on your challenge type.

Provide for remote workers

Recent times have shown us that we have to focus on remote workers too. It is an upward trend that people want (and have to) work from home. Because of COVID, managers have to face a new challenge: how to increase participation if your colleagues are not at the same place?

A step challenge, however, is easy to organize for remote workers too. You can announce a walking challenge that includes a 20-minute walk each day. With our Fitpuli app, you can measure the number of participants. 

Walking challenges at work from Fitpuli

A walk challenge might increase your employee wellness and productivity. Besides that, you should provide healthy lunch options and good health insurance to have a full wellness plan.

Start walking with Fitpuli! Organize a friendly competition! Your colleagues will thank you for their weight loss, their better mental health, and even for the good work environment with happier faces around.

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  • Team challenges
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(Currently only available in Hungary)

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  • Fitpuli application
  • Professional attitude test
  • Team challenges
  • Occupational health services
  • Health insurance
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